Strange Conversations: Part Sixty-Eight
Posted 27 November 2008 in Strange Conversations by Catriona
When Facebook-specific games engender competition:
ME: I’ll get that high score, though, eventually. (Makes defiant fist gesture)
NICK: I’m sure you will. (Makes punching fist gesture)
ME: No, no: it’s not aggressive. It’s like this (makes defiant fist gesture). “I’ll get you, Gadget!”
NICK: (raspy voice) Next time, Gadget! Next time!
ME: See, I was waiting for that. The minute I did the voice, I thought, “Nick’s going to one-up me, here.”
NICK: Of course!
ME: No, one-upping your girlfriend is never good.
ME: But Doctor Claw impersonations are a special case, because I’m so good at them.