A Small Degree Of Internet Celebrity Goes To My Mother's Head
Posted 22 April 2009 in Strange Conversations by Catriona
ME: I’m sure that having children does bring a deep sense of joy.
MY MOTHER: When will I notice that?
(Short pause while peals of laughter echo down the phone line)
ME: I’m putting you in a home, Mother.
MY MOTHER: Are you going to put that on the blog? You can tell people I’m not your mother any more.
ME: You’re still my mother. I’m just putting you in a home.
MY MOTHER: Put that on the blog!
Share your thoughts [5]
Wendy wrote at Apr 22, 11:30 am
and you obeyed her command!
Catriona wrote at Apr 22, 11:38 am
Well, she is my mother, even if I am putting her in a home!
(She’s also, just quietly, absolutely terrifying. Everyone obeys my mother’s commands. She wasn’t a primary-school teacher and then a special-ed. teacher all those years without learning some tricks.)
heretic wrote at Apr 22, 01:45 pm
Ahhhh… Teacher Voice. Unfair to use it on civilians during peacetime, really.
Wendy wrote at Apr 22, 09:18 pm
Oh…the teacher voice is a powerful weapon indeed. lucky i don’t have to use it much these days.
Catriona wrote at Apr 22, 09:20 pm
She didn’t use it here: she was laughing too hard. But, yes, she has a way of saying “no” that freezes the marrow in your bones.
I find this more with primary-school teachers than with high-school teachers: it’s something primal.