Strange Conversations: The Random Male Names Edition
Posted 27 February 2012 in Strange Conversations by Catriona
Via text-message, after I’d left a Dungeons & Dragons game early, leaving Nick to play my Elf Ranger:
NICK: Just killed a little Steven for you. 22 hit points with a Thundertusk Boar Strike.
ME: Steven? I hate that guy.
NICK: Wyvern.
ME: Not Steven? Damn.
And via text-message, after a doctor’s appointment:
ME: The indigestion is from the anti-inflammatories.
NICK: That makes sense. As you have been taking various forms for some time. And have been having issues for some Tim.
ME: Which Tim?
NICK: Autocorrect Tim!
ME: Oh, that guy.
Share your thoughts [5]
Deb wrote at Feb 27, 05:20 am
Little Steven and Autocorrect Tim are both perfectly valid names to consider for boy babies ;-)
Catriona wrote at Feb 27, 10:31 am
I’m hoping to have twins sons. (In a, you know, not-really-trying-for twin-sons kinda way.) Then I shall name them Harold Saxon and Norman Conquest, and make them fight for their father’s and my affections.
Drew wrote at Feb 27, 12:28 pm
well to be precise, they should be Harold Godwinson and Harold Hardradi, then your third child could be Norman Conquest or William for short (or even Trespassers) and steal the family inheritance from the first two.
Actually, I am rather partial to Wendy’s suggestions for children’s names.
Deb wrote at Feb 27, 12:43 pm
so we are vetoing Stormageddon then? coz I really liked that one
or you could just hold a geek-naming-fest for us all to participate in
Catriona wrote at Feb 27, 09:09 pm
I’m leaving the Battle of Stamford Bridge out altogether, Drew, on account of how Stamford Bridge is Chelsea FC’s home ground (albeit an entirely different Stamford Bridge), and I wouldn’t want my child associated with Chelsea. Plus, by skipping straight to Hastings but dropping “Godwinson” in favour of Harold’s racial heritage, I’m also bringing in a Doctor Who reference.
Trust me, there’s plenty of different kinds of geekdom at play here.
I thought “Stormageddon” sounded like more of a girl’s name, Deb.