Strange Conversations: Part Two Hundred and Twenty-Four
Posted 10 November 2009 in Strange Conversations by Catriona
In which I become cranky while doing the washing up.
ME: Yes, that’s an excellent dance, Mr I Leave An Enormous Mess For My Girlfriend To Clean Up, Even Though She’s Marking And Going Insane.
NICK: Isn’t it?
ME: That’s exactly what someone wants in a boyfriend.
NICK: I’ve heard this.
ME: Tell me. When you heard this, did it sound as though it was in your voice?
NICK: It did, now you mention it.
ME: And you didn’t think that was questionable?
ME: Why not?
NICK: When I hear words of wisdom, they’re usually in my voice.
ME: Of course they are.
I’ll give Nick this much credit: he knows enough not to engage with the crazy.
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