Strange Conversations: Part Two Hundred
Posted 19 September 2009 in Strange Conversations by Catriona
The obligatory strange International Talk Like a Pirate Day conversation. (And, yes, I think that compound adjective should be hyphenated, but I’m too lazy.)
ME: I should have bought two skull rings. One for each thumb.
NICK: You don’t want to over-brand.
ME: Over-brand! Pirate queens can’t over-brand!
NICK: True.
ME: Over-brand! That’s why you’re still a cabin boy.
NICK: I think about that every night, as I’m polishing your . . . top-sail.
ME: Don’t worry—I’ll most likely kill you in the morning.
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michelle wrote at Sep 19, 02:27 am
Misread that as “pirate queers” (of course). Now there’s an idea! Running off to my costume box right now.