Strange Conversations: Part Seventy-Four
Posted 21 December 2008 in Strange Conversations by Catriona
My washing machine, the lemon:
ME: The washing machine is beeping again.
NICK: Always does with underwear loads.
ME: Mam says it might not be quite level, but that would mean that the concrete foundation to the house isn’t level. Still, we could get a spirit level and check.
NICK: Okay. I’ll get the spirit-level application for my iPhone!
ME: . . . I don’t like you.
NICK: Okay.
Share your thoughts [7]
heretic wrote at Dec 21, 11:18 pm
Bwhahahah geek handyman to the rescue!
…mind you, I only have a spirit level because a chippie left one behind once. Plus I also couldn’t say for sure where it is.
Catriona wrote at Dec 22, 09:43 am
The only spirit level we have in the house is actually part of my tripod—I could try standing the tripod on the washing machine to see if the machine is level, but I’m not sure that would be the easiest thing to manage.
I’ll be damned if I determine whether or not my washing machine is level by resting an iPhone running a “spirit level” application on top of it.
Tim wrote at Dec 22, 10:05 am
Why? Using the iPhone seems easier than having to account for error in the tripod’s positioning.
Catriona wrote at Dec 23, 05:10 am
Oh, there’s no way I’d use the tripod—I’m actually not sure why I mentioned that.
But if you lived with the iPhone fanatic, you’d sympathise with my refusal to allow it to move any further out of its allotted sphere.
Sam wrote at Dec 28, 06:18 am
Isn’t the iPhone’s allotted sphere an infinitely wide globe encompassing everything a human could ever need? ;-)
Matthew Smith wrote at Dec 29, 02:33 am
I have a non-software spirit level. The one in the iPhone is probably not bad. It uses a solid state accelerometer using amazing MEMS technology. Just don’t use it while the washing machine is actually running as that would tend interfere with the sensor. Having said that, I think you could swing a new washing machine on interest free.
Catriona wrote at Dec 29, 09:41 am
Matt, I think my main problem with the spirit-level iPhone application is that the iPhone is very small. It would really only tell me whether the exact centre of the washing machine is level or not.