Strange Conversations: Part One Hundred and Ninety-Six
Posted 14 September 2009 in Strange Conversations by Catriona
This strange conversation brought to you by a paper bag that I asked Nick (hoarder extraordinaire) to throw in the bin as he went through to put the pirate shirt it contained in the bedroom:
ME (storming into kitchen waving the paper bag): Were you planning on wearing this on your head?
ME: Is it part of a burgeoning art installation project?
ME: Is it, perchance, designed purely to be a catalyst for your girlfriend’s sarcasm?
NICK: Yeah.
ME: Really?
NICK: Yeah. I thought you’d like it!
Well, you’ve got to give him credit for resisting the hen-pecking.
Share your thoughts [2]
Wendy wrote at Sep 14, 09:31 pm
“burgeoning art installation project”….I love it!!
Catriona wrote at Sep 14, 10:39 pm
The entire house is part of a burgeoning art installation project, since Nick is incapable of throwing anything out. He’s quite convinced that almost everything he brings into this house will prove useful sooner or later, and therefore must be stored.
The bag was resting jauntily on top of the box Nick’s new computer came in, which itself has been blocking access to half our rather nice chest of drawers for the last two months—I’m thinking of coming up with a suitably pretentious name for the objet and charging people a fortune to see it.
On an unrelated note, I’ve just made my display really tiny, and I have no idea (firstly) how I did it, or (secondly) how to make it stop.