Strange Conversations: Part One Hundred and Ninety-One
Posted 28 August 2009 in Strange Conversations by Catriona
ME: Nicholas, is it because of your Y chromosome . . .
NICK: Yes.
ME: Or is there some other reason why you’re incapable of shutting cupboard doors?
ME: “No” isn’t really an inappropriate response to that question.
NICK: Well, I already answered “Yes” to the first part.
ME: But you didn’t know that I was asking then.
NICK: It’s almost always about my Y chromosome.
Share your thoughts [3]
Lisa wrote at Aug 28, 12:22 pm
Can’t be on the Y chromosome because my daughter is also incapable of shutting cupboard doors.
Catriona wrote at Aug 28, 12:26 pm
I always thought that was just a sexist excuse on Nick’s part! Now I have evidence to support my claims!
Tim wrote at Aug 29, 09:33 am
And I have a Y chromosome and can shut cupboard doors, so there is counterevidence both ways.