Strange Conversations: Part Eighty-One
Posted 16 January 2009 in Strange Conversations by Catriona
The type of conversation you have when
a. you assume you know your partner too well, and
b. you’ve spent the day alternating between extreme crankiness (because of the heat) and extravagant panic attacks (due to the essay revisions).
ME: I know what you’re thinking right now.
NICK: What’s that?
ME: You’re thinking, ‘Never, ever have children with this woman.’
NICK: Actually, I was thinking I might go and get an Ice Break.
Maybe that’s only funny if you know Nick.
Share your thoughts [2]
heretic wrote at Jan 19, 02:41 am
but isn’t nick always thinking about going and getting an ice break? it’s like me and coffee.
Catriona wrote at Jan 19, 02:45 am
Well, yes. Yes, he is.