Live-blogging Doctor Who Christmas Special 2011
Posted 26 December 2011 in Doctor Who by Catriona
Merry Christmas, lovely readers.
A brief update, for your delectation and elucidation.
I mentioned last year that I was finding the process of live-blogging rather heavy going, after all these years. I don’t want to abandon the process, but I do need to streamline it or shift it in some fashion, because I find I simply can’t keep up with it any more.
Tonight, I’m going to trial one method of streamlining the live-blogging. If it doesn’t work for you, let me know in the comments, and I’ll trial something else.
So tonight’s live-blogging won’t be going up live, as it used to. Instead, it’ll be up and available for comment within twenty-four hours. I’ll see if giving myself a bit of time to think about the episode revitalises the process for both me and for you.
Share your thoughts [1]
Drew wrote at Dec 26, 08:09 am
Waiting in patient expectation. What to do in the meantime? I could always watch the episode I guess…