Because Blogs Can Be Forces For Good
Posted 25 March 2009 in Gaming by Catriona
I’ve been meaning to do this for a while, but a comment on an earlier post reminded me.
A number of people keep coming across this site while Googling for answers to puzzles in Professor Layton and the Curious Village—most often, but not exclusively, the solution to the puzzle about moving two matchsticks to make a live dog into a dead dog, and the solution to the puzzle about dividing seven pigs into their own pens with only three ropes.
They must be very disappointed, these frustrated people, to find only my complaining posts about how the game is doing my head in.
So, since blogs can be forces for good on the Internet, here is a link to the Professor Layton and the Curious Village walkthrough that I used when I was insanely frustrated by a puzzle.
It’s from Wiki Cheats, and I found it excellent.
So if you’re Googling “separate the seven prize pigs with three ropes,” or “matchstick dog hit by car,” or “move matchsticks to make dog look the other way” hopefully you’ll end up on this page.
I didn’t use it for every puzzle, but I think I certainly used it for the dead dog one. And for almost every problem involving probability.
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