Post Of Overwhelming Briefness
Posted 9 September 2009 in Writing by Catriona
So, one of the things I’ve been doing this semester—apart from convening a course for (really) the first time ever, and endless live-blogging—is writing a novel.
I don’t know if it’s any good. I’m fairly sure it’s not.
But, since I’ve been blogging, I’ve been less reluctant to show my writing to people. (I never was reluctant to show my academic writing to people, but then that’s the nature of the genre.)
So, I’ve been thinking, diffidently, and the result is this diffident post.
Essentially, I’m asking a question here: would people be interested in seeing some of this novel (a gentle fantasy for children, if that helps, which I’m writing with my nephews in mind)?
I’d love some feedback from people other than Nick, though I’m not sure I’m robust enough to take severe negative criticism.
I have to ask, though.
If you’d like to read such a thing, let me know in the comments, and I’ll post the first chapter as it stands.
And forgive the diffidence: this is the first piece of fiction I’ve written in many years, and I don’t know whether to send it out in the world or not.
Share your thoughts [6]
Leigh wrote at Sep 9, 09:10 am
Well you know that I would love to read some of what you have written and I’m happy to give you my overall thoughts on it … I can also read it to the boys if you want and get them to tell me what they think grin I’m terrible at formal critique but I can say what we feel. In fact I am feeling so eager to read what you’ve been writing I was about to try and find a way to hack your machine tee hee hee
Catriona wrote at Sep 9, 09:14 am
No, no! You can’t read it to the nephews! Then they won’t be surprised at Christmas—and won’t they be thrilled to get a book instead of, you know, sonic screwdrivers?
Auntie Treena might need to get them two presents, in a shameless attempt to buy their love.
What I really want is to know what people feel. That’s the first step.
Kirsty wrote at Sep 9, 10:17 am
I would like to read such a thing.
Tim wrote at Sep 10, 03:37 am
So would I.
Catriona wrote at Sep 10, 06:19 am
I’ll post the first chapter as soon as I decide whether it’s better to post it in the evening or the morning.
(Of course, I have cold feet, now. But that’s to be expected.)
Tim wrote at Sep 10, 11:29 am
I was going to say, if you have cold feet, you could send it to us by email. But it’s up already!