by Catriona Mills

Live-blogging Doctor Who, Season Two: The Idiot's Lantern

Posted 17 March 2009 in by Catriona

This live-blogging brought to you by the fact that I’m desperately waiting for coffee—which I’m sure will turn up very soon. I can smell it. I could make it myself, but Nick’s sorted that out.

Also, I’m still not finding this Jack Dee comedy terribly funny. Am I missing something? Maybe it’s because I’m only watching the last ten minutes or so of each episode? I just don’t see anything appealing about the character, at all. I don’t mind a character who is a little bit of a bastard (case in point, almost everyone in Green Wing), but this character is just out-and-out awful. I haven’t seen a single redeeming characteristic.

It’s becoming something of an obsession with me, how much I dislike this programme. Am I mad? Or is he genuinely horrible?

No, actually. I’m not mad. He is horrible. Of course, I’m not a great fan of unadulterated comedy of embarrassment. A little bit leavened with other forms of humour? Sure. (Case in point, Green Wing.) But not a show that’s nothing but comedy of embarrassment.

I’m sure Doctor Who will start soon.

Nick and I are now united in how much we despise this character and see no redeeming characteristics in him, at all. I mean, Guy Secretan slept with his own mother (accidentally) and we still wanted to give him a bit of a cuddle.

Shouldn’t Doctor Who have started by now?

Wait, what? Lost Cities of the Ancients in Doctor Who time?

Oh, we’ll deal with that later. Because here’s the episode.

A woman, on a television set. And a man fretting about his overdraft, insisting that he needs a miracle, as the sounds of “God Save the Queen” swell behind him.

Now another house: a family sitting around a wireless, with the mother sewing on a treadle machine, the grandmother sitting reading the paper, the father heading out covered in medals, and the son insisting they should have a television. The father says, perhaps. For the coronation, perhaps.

Now back to Mr Magpie, the man with the overdraft. Now the woman on the television is speaking to him—and sucking his face towards the screen. All thanks, it seems, to a lucky lightning strike.


Now here comes Rose in pink stilettos and headband—and, in between, a pink skirt and a denim jacket. And the Doctor has a moped: they’re off the see Elvis at the Ed Sullivan TV studios. The Doctor hasn’t noticed that this clearly is not New York: given the double-decker buses and the red post boxes (instituted by Anthony Trollope).

Now back to the family from the pre-credit sequence. Mother, father, and son are there—but grandmother is not, and the mother is fretting about what happened to her. “That face! That horrible face!” The father doesn’t understand why they’re worried about this.

Rose is wondering why so many people have television—everyone has an aerial, whereas Rose remembers Jackie saying they were so rare, people had to pile into one room.

Rose and the Doctor see a man being taken away with a sack over his head—his wife is weeping and begging, but no one listens. Tommy, the young boy from before, says to the Doctor that it’s happening all over: people are turning into monsters.

The Doctor and Rose try to chase the car, but it’s a well-practiced maneouver, and they lose it behind some fake doors.

ROSE: Maybe we should go and ask the neighbours?
DOCTOR: That’s what I like about you: the domestic approach.
ROSE: Thank you. Wait, was that an insult?

Mr Magpie is speaking to the woman in the telly again, and she’s creepier than she was.

Now Tommy is trying to see his grandmother, but the domestic tyrant that is his father creeps up and stops him. Nick starts muttering and complaining—he can’t cope with this father character, stereotype that he is.

I like the flying ducks, though.

Rose and the Doctor are on the doorstep, fulsomely greeting the Connellys and claiming to be representatives of Queen and Country.

I can’t get over the Doctor’s hair. It’s always been . . . odd. But that pompadour?

I’ve skipped the bit where the Doctor banters with Mr Connelly about his gender politics, because it doesn’t really change anything. And having one character address the fact doesn’t really change the fact that the character is a stereotype.

DOCTOR: Union flag?
ROSE: Mum went out with a sailor.

Things go slightly odd, as I lose my wireless Internet connection for a moment, there.

Basically, the Doctor bullies Mr Connelly into letting him talk to the grandmother—whose face has completely gone. That is rather creepy. But Mr Connelly has rung the strange men in black who took the man earlier, and they grab Gran, after punching the Doctor in the face and pushing Mrs Connelly over.

The Doctor, of course, legs it straight out of the house without looking, but Rose sees that there’s something going on with the television.

Nevertheless, the Doctor is in time this time around to see the ruse with the fake doors and the sweeping men.

NICK: Terrific lighting in this episode.

So the Doctor breaks in to where the men in black have been taking their prisoners—only to find people standing randomly in cages, none of whom have any faces, but all of whom have at least a basic survival instinct, since they bunch their fists and circle him menacingly.

Rose, meanwhile, has gone to Mr Magpie’s television shop—actually, that’s not a denim jacket. It’s some kind of dark-blue nylon—pretending to buy a television. Mr Magpie is trying to push her out, but Rose is over-extending herself a little, here. She can’t see how terrified he is—she’s pushing as though he’s the villain, not seeing his desperation.

Still, I do like to see Rose striking out on her own.

The woman on the television—identifying herself as “The Wire”—speaks directly to Rose, claiming to be hungry, and then eats Rose’s face. That’s blunter than it should be, but that’s what happens: Rose’s face is sucked off.

The Doctor, meanwhile, is being interrogated by a detective inspector, and being as glib and fluent as always. And taunting the poor old inspector. Doctor, of course he’s out of his depth. Don’t taunt the poor man.

And here’s someone else (sans visage, the inspector says, which I love) being brought in with a bag over their head—and of course it’s Rose. The Doctor is furious because they left her in the street, but I suppose that’s an advantage to the narrative, because now the Doctor’s acting all American-movie action-hero macho, which is thoroughly out of character and annoys me.

Back to the family with the stereotypical father, who is now terrorising his wife in a way we haven’t seen before. And the son is fuming quietly. But this seems not in keeping with the first scene, where mother, son, and grandmother seemed content enough, and to have a non-confrontational relationship with the father. And that was a scene that took place exclusively in the home, so why would he have been dissembling then? Perhaps he was in an unusually good mood? But we haven’t seen him in a good mood since?

Hmm. I’m having to over-think this. That’s not a good sign.

The sentence earlier where I mentioned that the father ratted Gran out to the men in black? Apparently, that was a spoiler. But it did seem quite obvious, from the way he had his hands around their shoulders.

But this scene with Rita Connelly and her husband and son? I’m not sure I buy this. Is he a typical 1950s’ father? In which case, where does the mother’s sudden fury come from? She’d be conditioned into a complementary state of mind.

Oh, look: I’m missing plot.

Tommy tells the Doctor and the inspector that his grandmother was watching telly when she changed, so they go to Mr Magpie’s shop—where they find the faces of the missing people staring out of and screaming out of the televisions around the store. Rose is screaming “Doctor!” over and over again, but she doesn’t seem to be able to interact with the Doctor, to see or hear him.

Ack! Colour television! In fact, it’s a sign of The Wire’s increasing (but fluctuating) strength. Apparently, she was executed by her people, but fled across the universe in this form. She needs corporeal form, and she’s exploiting the coronation—the first time, the Doctor says, that millions of people gathered around televisions—to get the energy she needs.

Meanwhile, she attacks the inspector, Tommy, and the Doctor, but the Doctor manages to get his sonic screwdriver in between him and the screen. He and the others are knocked out, but The Wire transfers herself to a smaller, bakelite television set.

All this frantic action is intercut with scenes from the coronation, in grainy black and white.

The inspector’s face is gone, but Tommy and the Doctor are fine. The Doctor, suddenly realising they are in Muswell Hill, recognises the TV transmitter nearby—to which Mr Magpie is frantically driving The Wire—and grabs a selection of material from the shop.

Mr Magpie is taking The Wire to the top of the TV transmitter tower: he tries to back out of their arrangement, but she’s insistent. The Doctor gets past security by apparently pretending to be the King of Belgium.

Leaving Tommy’ behind, the Doctor races up the transmitter tower, trailing copper wire behind him.

Mr Magpie is higher, though, and he plugs The Wire in, allowing her to start sucking the faces off everyone watching the coronation.

I suspect, if it weren’t such an exciting part of the episode, I could have thought of a better way of putting that.

THE WIRE: You can’t stop The Wire!
NICK: Well, it did end after five seasons.

While I was repeating that anecdote, The Wire kills Magpie. And the Doctor grabs the small television—but his plan has backfired somewhere. I’m not sure where, because electronics confuse me. Thankfully, he has left Tommy downstairs, and Tommy fixes it, so everyone’s faces snap back into place, and they’re left slightly disorientated.

And The Wire is, apparently, destroyed. She can’t have been destroyed, though? Nope: she’s trapped in a video cassette. Beta, too. Well, that’ll be obsolete soon enough. And Tommy and the Doctor watch the coronation together.

And then Gran has her face back, and Rose, too.

And Mrs Connelly is kicking her husband out, because apparently the house is in her mother’s name? I still think this sub-plot needs a bit more work.

Meanwhile, we’re at a coronation street party—where Rose and the Doctor debate, briefly, about where history takes place, and decide that it’s in the domestic sphere, not the public sphere.

(The Doctor says he’s going to tape over The Wire. That doesn’t seem like the Doctor, but then this episode is a little like that.)

Mr Connelly is walking away, but Rose convinces Tommy to go after him.

NICK: Oh, Rose! Don’t work out your daddy issues with someone else.


“That was the final of Doctor Who for now?” What!? Why!? How shall I finish my live-blogging? This is just odd.

So . . . I suppose that it’s for season two of Doctor Who. For now. Definitely ending with a whimper, that.

Share your thoughts [9]


Wendy wrote at Mar 17, 11:43 am

i haven’t watched a whole episode of the jack dee thing either but frankly, boring is the word that comes to mind.

and as for “lost cities of the ancients”…very disappointing.

however, if there’s one thing i do love it’s a tv program about tv…so all was well.


Catriona wrote at Mar 17, 12:16 pm

I didn’t think that this was a very interesting episode about television. I’m fairly annoyed about them cutting the season off here, because this is a fairly flawed season in many ways, and I was hoping to get to one problematic episode (“Love and Monsters”) and one disappointing episode (“Fear Her”).

I think this is another problematic episode. The subplot with the abusive father didn’t seem to be either entirely consistent, and I always felt they might do more with the idea of television.

Even the most interesting nugget of information, that this was the first time there was a large mass audience for television (whether they mean ever or just in the U. K., I don’t know) was just dropped into the dialogue.

I don’t know. I don’t think this was as good as Gatiss’s first episode, “The Unquiet Dead.”


Wendy wrote at Mar 17, 09:22 pm

well it did just take the most common stereotype about TV….that it rots your brain and sucks the life out of you…and plonk it in a plot i guess. but that’s ok with me…and it is a recurring myth about all new technology (say I as I sit here at my computer using the “evil” forces of the internet that is apparently in dire need of regulation and censorship!)

i think the accepted history of TV in the UK is that it was the coronation that really sparked public interest in broadcast television even though the bbc had had the technology ready and available for some time. often talk that ww2 interrupted it’s rollout throughout society.

I actually would have liked the evil dad to be an alien in human form working for the wire…as he had a “look” about him. i was a bit disappointed that he wasn’t actually…
but still I liked seeing all the little old TVs.

i don’t remember titles…which was the unquiet dead?


Catriona wrote at Mar 17, 09:39 pm

“The Unquiet Dead” was the season one (new series) episode in which the dead came back to life in Cardiff, with the Gelth trying to pass through to our world. It has Charles Dickens in it.

It was the third episode of season one, and the first episode in which I really thought, “You know, this feels like the old Doctor Who that I love.” This episode had me excited to begin with, because I’d loved that first one and they had the same writer, but it just didn’t end up being as good. It felt a little shallow to me.

I suppose I had higher expectations for Gatiss than playing out one stereotype about television. The episode was fun and had some good lines, it just wasn’t as good as I had originally hoped it would be.


Matthew Smith wrote at Mar 19, 04:21 am

I remember this episode as disappointment too. It lacked something, like the Wire just didn’t seem to be a present danger – more like something far off. It might have been the way the victims just became kind of passive. It was creepy but I didn’t get that sense of a real threat.


Catriona wrote at Mar 19, 04:33 am

That’s a good point, Matt. One of the strengths of Doctor Who, I think, has always been how terrifying the enemies can be. I mean, the sets may have wobbled a little and sometimes the costumes veered between spectacularly laughable and mildly risible, but the Daleks were bloody terrifying and I remain terrified of them to this day.

Even the Kandy Man was terrifying, and he was made out of boiled sweets and licorice all sorts. (Of course, that was an excellent, surreal, and bitter story in all respects.)

But The Wire wasn’t very frightening. And neither was Mr Magpie either frightening nor particularly tragic—and I think he would have had to be one or the other, since without his input The Wire was largely harmless.


There were bits of this story I liked, but what I liked (as Wendy and I were sort of discussing above) existed more in potentia than as polished television.

I’m really annoyed that the ABC has taken season two off the telly, because this was the first of three problematic episodes—the three most problematic episodes in the new series, I think, all from this season—and I was looking forward to a discussion on here about “Love and Monsters” (which I was so prepared to like, really like—until the end) and “Fear Her” (which disappointed me so much).


richard wrote at Mar 19, 05:30 am

[be’s quite happy to press play on his season 2 dvd at 8.30pm seqndst^^ next Tuesday, and read along!]

^^SouthEastQldNonDaylightSavingsTime, natch ;-)


Heather wrote at Mar 20, 06:49 am

Ok, so this isn’t to do with the episode…but as you can see your blog is NOT blocked by my work. BLESS!


Catriona wrote at Mar 20, 07:14 am

Yes, but, Heather, what did you think of the episode?


(Yet another reason why running a blog that doesn’t have the word “blog” in the URL can be advantageous.)

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