It's That Time Again
Posted 11 June 2008 in Teaching by Catriona
Final assessment needs to be graded for semester one.
In addition, I have double the amount of exams to mark than I anticipated—entirely voluntarily, due to an unavoidable set of circumstances, but still—and only four days to turn those around, which works out at roughly twenty exams a day.
And, on top of that, I’ve just realised that I’ve scheduled a Doctor Who night right in the middle of those four days, which was jolly clever of me. (Still, I’m not postponing it—it’s the Steven Moffat episodes!)
That’s not even going into the administrative issue that’s thrown me into a right state today.
So, much as I love my blog—and, frankly, probably won’t be able to stay away from it for any length of time—I’m not planning any long updates for the next couple of weeks.
But that won’t stop me commenting on stupid television advertisements, which probably makes up about 60% of the content at the moment anyway.
(Slight aside: I have no idea what happened to my tone in this entry—it seems to have gone oddly hearty and hail-fellow-well-met. I haven’t even been reading any of my girls’ school stories, so I have no idea why I’m suddenly using phrases like “jolly clever,” but there you are.)
Of course, if I ever find my copy of Seamus Heaney’s translation of Beowulf, I might make an exception.
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