Horrible Things I Have Seen And Done In Lego Star Wars
Posted 16 October 2008 in Gaming by Catriona
I frequently play Lego Star Wars as Darth Vader, because the Dark Side is way cooler. (It blows stuff up. When you use the ordinary Force—does it have a special name? I can’t recall—lights turn on, or plants glow a little and then dispense coins. But when you use the Dark Side, things blow up. Who doesn’t want to blow things up?)
However, I’m wondering if this is why I’m suddenly doing horrible things. And having horrible things done to me.
Of course, it could be that the game is a little mean spirited.
But I do love writing lists.
1. This is actually the event that inspired the post. I was working my way through the annoying arena scene in Attack of the Clones—you remember the one: they’d finally put Padme in sensible clothing, for the only time in all three films, and then a sabre-toothed tiger tore off the bottom half of her top. But naturally! The character is called “Padme (Clawed)” in the game, which always makes me giggle—when I came up against Jango Fett.
I’d almost beaten him, and he turned to run, but a battle droid grabbed him and threw him back into the battle.
I think that’s the coldest thing I’ve ever seen.
(Of course, it might have been a programming glitch. But where would the fun be in that?)
2. The event that annoyed me the most was this one, though. I’d had to shift from Vader to R2. Astromech droids can fly across bigger voids than the Jedi characters can jump. But they can only fly for short periods of time.
So I’d flown across, grabbed what I needed, and was flying back. I’d almost hit the edge when computer-controlled Vader, waiting on the brink, stepped across in front of me.
I hit him and fell in the void. Fair enough: he’s computer controlled and not terribly bright.
Then he did it again.
Hmm. Of course, I’ve always been a little paranoid about the chances that the computer is conspiring against me and favouring its own characters. But, really, when computer-controlled characters behave like that, is paranoia really that . . . paranoid? (Wait, that doesn’t sound right at all.)
3. Even paranoia doesn’t justify my last action, though.
I put an Ewok down.
I didn’t really have a choice. Okay, I did. But he was really getting in my way and annoying me. So, I may have hit him with my light saber.
A little.
And in my own defense, he did rematerialise in a much less annoying position.
And I was playing as Vader. That would warp anyone’s moral code.
Share your thoughts [4]
Matthew Smith wrote at Oct 17, 01:11 am
nooooo, not the ewok! Jaja Binks? No worries yousa can lightsabre hims a anydays but leave little Wicket alone!
Catriona wrote at Oct 17, 01:16 am
It was Wicket, too.
But it wasn’t me! It was Darth Vader.
(I feel guilty lightsabering Jar-Jar Binks, though—it’s not his fault that he’s compiled of a succession of grotesque racial stereotypes.)
heretic wrote at Oct 18, 08:28 am
Personally I spent a happy and therapeutic couple of minutes thrashing the shit out of jar jar binks when I realised there were no game consequences… :)
Catriona wrote at Oct 18, 11:47 am
I don’t think I’ve had Jar-Jar Binks in my party for more than one Fee Play episode.
I will admit, though, to gratuitously killing the boy Anakin on more than one occasion, once he’s served his solitary purpose of getting you through travel chutes.